Sell Your Fashion Collection on shopUNIQUES

shopUNIQUES ecommerce platform

If there’s one thing that designers should focus on with their fashion business, it’s making more profits.  I always say… “If you’re not making money it’s a hobby, not a business.”  Selling on more than just your own e-commerce platform is a great way to do this.

We were recently introduced to shopUNIQUES, a curated global marketplace that connects talented new and emerging fashion designers and independent boutiques with fashion lovers from all over the world.

Now, we are big advocates of having your own e-commerce platform to represent your brand but we also strongly believe that taking the time to work with a few carefully chosen 3rd party platforms is essential for new brands to build brand awareness and generate additional revenue.

Note that we said “carefully chosen”. In speaking with the founder of shopUNIQUES, Ladan Mehrabi, we were happy to discover that she knows what’s up.  Having over 8 years of experience in e-commerce and digital marketing for the world’s largest retailers, she decided to leverage her experience to build this platform.

shopUNIQUES magazine

Why we like shopUNIQUES

It’s Curated

The team is very selective with the brands that are chosen for shopUNIQUES.  They are strict about the customer service aspect of the business,  and only work with fashion designers and brands that are ready for global exposure and already have a steady production and operational process.

Brand Awareness

sU acts as a marketing agent on behalf of their partnering brands. They offer targeted marketing and advertising services via their own online magazine, influential fashion websites, social media, and direct email. They make it their focus to drive visitors to the website, offer great customer service, and turn visitors into loyal customers.

Content Driven

As mentioned above, sU has their own online magazine as part of their website. By creating a space where consumers can learn about trends, be kept up to date on the latest designers on the platform, register for giveaways, and get style advice, sU is engaging your potential customers in a way that is inspiring, exciting, and helpful.

shopUNIQUES is currently interviewing designers for consideration while simultaneously building a database of registered customers before their launch.

Some quick facts for you to keep in mind:

  • shopUNIQUES is free but takes a commission on sales
  • After the launch, the magazine will be a tool used to promote brands like yours to the sU customer database
  • sU hand picks their designer partners, so there is an interview process with their team

You are working on so much with your business, wearing all the hats. It’s difficult to juggle everything and still focus on the revenue-generating aspects of your business. One way to help balance this, is by strategically thinking about third party platforms that can work well for your business. We think shopUNIQUES is a great option for you.

To be considered for this opportunity, contact them here!


Though shopUNIQUES commissioned us to share this cool opportunity with you, we never agree to write about anything we don’t think is really awesome. Promise.

Nicole Giordano

Nicole is the founder of StartUp FASHION, an online resource and community supporting for independent designers around the world with building their businesses. A deep love for the craft of fashion paired with an adamant belief that success is defined by the individual, led her to found StartUp FASHION, where she helps independent designers and makers screw the traditional fashion business rules, create their own paths, and build businesses they truly love. More than anything else, she’s in the business of encouragement and works every day to remind makers and designers that they have something special to offer the world and that they can, in fact, do this thing!

  1. Amelia

    Hi, I am interested in purchasing some of your Fashion Business Tool Kits and Templates. Are they a hard copy document or digital pls?
    Thank you for your time

  2. Valsesca Jones

    Their e-mail doesn’t work tho, my mail got bounced back too.

    • Ladan

      The email address info{at}shopuniques{dot}com should work now. Or, you can email me directly at ladan{at}shopuniques{dot}com Thank you!

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