August in New York; sticky, sweaty, and dirty. While I dig the summer, being stuck in the city during the hottest month of the year is not fun. And, since hanging in the Hamptons is not really an option, I spend my time doing something that’s not a bad alternative. Which is to spend hours in the book store, thumbing through an extensive list of “to-read” books, and noting the ones I want to actually purchase.
A few days ago, after several grimy hours in Central Park, I decided to treat myself to an iced coffee in one Columbus Circle book store and came up a few more social media must reads.
- Purple Cow by Seth Godin
- Tribes by Seth Godin
- Engage by Brian Solis
- Rework by founders of 37Signals
- Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh
- Accidental Billionaires by Ben Mezrich
Now remember, I haven’t read these books yet so this isn’t an endorsement but simply a note to share what I’m thinking about reading. So, by all means, if you’ve read and have opinions on any of these, do share. I’m not tryin’ to go broke on any books that aren’t worth my time and attention.