The fashion industry is always looking for the next big thing- the hottest emerging designer, the newest fashion trend, the coolest up-and-coming blogger, the fresh-faced model, and the latest go-to boutiques. However, in an industry that’s so spread out globally, how can one connect with the other in a fast and reliable manner? Noblivity® can help. This year-old business-to-business startup was created with the intent of connecting emerging talented designers with specialty stores.
Here’s how it works:
Once approved, a designer or small manufacturer may upload their product images into Noblivity’s marketplace and then the retailers will be able to view the products and choose for themselves which lines they want to carry.
“There wasn’t anything in the marketplace addressing the needs of independent retailers, “stated Katie Constantine, Vice President of Sales at Noblivity, and added, “ On the opposite end of the spectrum, there wasn’t really a launching pad for emerging designers and small manufacturers to showcase their product easily without having to hire a sales rep, have a showroom, or travel to the trade shows.”
Noblivity has over 200 designers in their database- recently they signed up with 60 more who are on the queue in the process of uploading products to the marketplace- and have more than 6,500 retailers enlisted.
“Not just because of what’s been going on in the economy lately but there’s a huge need on both sides to connect. These new brands and specialty retailers always want to have what’s next,” said Brigitta Dougherty, the Vice President of Business Development.
Noblivity not only connects designers to retailers but they also maintain constant communication with their clients to make sure that they’re satisfied with the service. “Because we’re a startup the stores can call us and give feedback on what’s been going on, but we’re developing new ways to launch surveys and get them more involved,” said Dougherty.
Currently, Noblivity is focused on representing clothing, accessories, and shoe designers and it has the advantage of being open 365 days a year which gives flexibility to the designers to show their collection all year instead of for a short period of time at trade shows. “We found that only 3% of the boutiques are able to go overseas to find all the international brands and designers that are out there so we’re able to provide a place for these international designers who can’t afford to come over here,” explained Constantine.
Check out this video to learn more! Follow them @Noblivity.