In business, there’s a term called 360 degree marketing. It means that you are communicating the same messaging, look, and feel through all of your mediums whether it’s online or offline communication such as promotions, direct mail and in-store opportunities.
Nowadays, it’s so important to connect your social platforms in a 360 degree manner. Social connections are just as important because you not only want to be found, but because you also communicate different messages on these platforms which gives your fans, network, and press more reason to explore your brand.
I decided to write this article because I often get designers asking if I would add their website to a post I am writing about them, and I happily oblige. Then I get another request to add in Facebook, Twitter, Blog, LinkedIn, etc… Since I try not to provide my readers with too much link love, I sometimes take a pass on multiple calls-to-action. Additionally, I believe your hub or landing page should drive your readers to one location and they can then be driven to the others.
Here are some tips on how to connect socially
- First, find your hub. You may want to consider your website as your hub as it is probably the place where you will feature and sell your products. Also think of it as your landing page for all of your social platforms so be sure to incorporate all of your social icons.
- Everywhere you can add a bio, be as thorough as you can because that can mean one more click to your site. In addition to your bio, look to see where you can connect to another platform. For example, on Instagram, you can use connect to Facebook, Tumblr, Foursquare, Flickr and Posterous. This may seem like a lot but again, this could also mean new user groups that are exposed to your messages.
- Pinterest recently changed their layout to include your profile front and center. This is your chance to become more visible. With their other new feature that shows recently engaged users, this is your ticket to a potential fan or new connection.
- I think most designers know that Twitter and Facebook are a must, but often times I see that their pages are incomplete. I get excited when I get a new follower and immediately look for their website and bio to learn more. Often times, I don’t see a website link or a complete bio. These 160 characters are here for you to engage your audience and hopefully entice them to click, so be sure to check whether your profile is properly filled out.
As you know, these platforms are a way to share your photos, content and video, while also building your brand image and voice. Take a moment to evaluate your profiles and platforms to make sure you are maximizing these opportunities and making your brand 360 complete!