Jelly. Another obscurely named app? Maybe. Useful? Maybe. If you use it to your advantage and think of it as a resource.
So what is the Jelly app and why should you care?
To summarize from the past couple months, “Twitter co-founder Biz Stone released Jelly, an app that allows users to ask a question with an image, and immediately receive a response through a link, a drawing on the original image, or simple text.
Some may ask: what’s the point? Isn’t that just like Quora or Thumb? Not exactly. While it’s tempting to write off something like Jelly as social-mobile’s latest shiny object, Stone’s latest project has some unique features and functionality that could prove useful to marketers.”
What’s useful about the Jelly app for Emerging Designers?
- It’s free. Yes, some apps start out free, but have a paid element later, but for now Jelly is a free experience. So let’s take advantage while we can.
- Audience. You’re utilizing not just your audience, but your audience’s audience. So for example, you aren’t just asking a question to your Twitter audience, but also the people they follow. Extending this reach is super beneficial to reach more eyeballs.
- Easy-to-use. The app is sleek and easy to use (slightly addictive at times, if you’re not careful). You won’t be confused by what to do, and neither will consumers.
- Real time. You get responses, fast. And when I mean fast, I mean within seconds or minutes. The people who use it are on there for a reason. To ask and answer questions.
- The app is great for market research. On top of your regular market research (not saying to abandon your successful efforts to date) you can ask the Jelly audience how they feel too. For example your startup can figure out beforehand how your audience (and potential audiences) may feel about a product launch, event you’re planning, or influencers you’re considering partnering with. Better yet, leave it to user generated content and stir up ideas from the crowd and go from there. A great example is if you’re planning to do a pop up shop, ask the audience where they want it. And then pick some surprise locations from the crowd. It gets them engaged before it happens, during, and hopefully after too.
Still not sure where to start with Jelly? My tip. Download and play with it as a consumer first and then go from there. Questions? Reach out in the comments below and we’ll guide you through the best practices!
Image source André-Batista
Clothes shopping app
I have a clothes shopping app now, but I don’t know where to start with it? Marketing online in mobile also is important, I knew it from lots of mobile marketing statistics which I read.
Could you show me how I can start market my app.