Do you “pin it” or do you “fancy it” or both? Pinterest may be kicking butt and taking names when it comes to members of the Pinterest community but does that give them the championship belt? Let’s assess the uniqueness and differences of both platforms.
Unique Traits and Differences: How Each Wins
Both are similar in that they provide a social community to share various interests in a visual manner including but limited to wedding plans, fashion, home décor, blog posts, infographics. However, on The Fancy people can also purchase what they see right from the site, rather than having to go to the store site to browse and purchase. What’s the benefit? Allowing brands to be where their consumers are and allowing point of purchase to be at their fingertips rather than a few clicks away. This is not to say that Pinterest isn’t valuable. It has a huge community of people and marketers realize the gold mine that it provides — especially for referral traffic to their blogs, websites, and more.
But here’s where it gets interesting: we know the Fancy offers coupons and discounts for certain products, which are “liked” – but there’s more. Now they’ve launched an opportunity for brands to offer Fancy users to get a discount or group buying rate through a virtual storefront on the site. Marketers, Brands, Etsy folks, and other product and service providers – don’t put all your eggs in Pinterest when there’s true value in the Fancy too (despite its low membership)
Let the numbers speak for themselves:
- Pinterest: 11,000,000 registered users with 32,400,000 pins.
- The Fancy: 250,000 registered users with 16,700,000 fancies
- “66.8 fancies, or dare we say “pins” per person, on The Fancy versus approximately 3 per person on Pinterest.”
- The Fancy has also had 1 million fancies earlier this month (150,000/day) and 100-200,000 unique visitors per day.
The membership may be low for the Fancy but it’s a highly engaged member community. What matters more to your brand?
Note: you don’t have to pick one – use both.
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