An Office Space of Your Very Own, Sort Of

Wix Lounge - NYC
Free NYC Work Space

I’m not sure about you but, even though I enjoy working from my home, I also can’t help but love the idea of having a separate space that feels more like a “work” space. A place where I can’t wear my pajamas and slippers, where the kitchen isn’t this ever-present reminder of culinary treats abound, and where there isn’t that call to conquer the domestic tasks like dish washing and vacuuming (what can I say, I love to clean. It relaxes me.)

Anyway, in a rather off hand way, I came to discover Wix Lounge in New York City. It’s a completely free space for both budding and established entrepreneurs to sit, work, be productive, interact, and network. Wix itself is a flash website building platform for those of us with minimal web design skills.  (It’s drag and drop!)  Not too long ago they realized that they had way too much office space and decided, out of the kindness of their own hearts, to open up the extra floor of space to you and I.  No doubt they also recognized the marketing genius behind it.  Offer free work space to the exact demographic they target as customers: entrepreneurs.

*Lesson alert:  ALWAYS be on the lookout for creative ways to reach your target audience.  What do   you have to offer other than your product or service?  If you can get the attention of your audience and engage them without trying to make a sale, they will remember you when it comes time to purchase.

So, if you’re in the New York area I suggest you check them out.  There are couches, table & chairs, and electrical outlets everywhere. Plus, free coffee and tea all day long.  The coffee and tea alone make it worth exploring!

And, if you’re not in New York, might I suggest you relocate?  Ha, just kidding.  I unfortunately am not aware of spaces like this in other cities (other than the trusted old coffee shop of course)  but if you are an inhabitant of a city that does offer something similar, please do share!

Nicole Giordano

Nicole is the founder of StartUp FASHION, an online resource and community supporting for independent designers around the world with building their businesses. A deep love for the craft of fashion paired with an adamant belief that success is defined by the individual, led her to found StartUp FASHION, where she helps independent designers and makers screw the traditional fashion business rules, create their own paths, and build businesses they truly love. More than anything else, she’s in the business of encouragement and works every day to remind makers and designers that they have something special to offer the world and that they can, in fact, do this thing!


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