In the age of the Internet and global information sharing, we have more input into our own lifestyles than ever before. A prime example is the fashion world. Rather than copying big runway shows, style is now largely self-driven thanks to things like Instagram, blogs, and most importantly, DIY.
Amidst a rough economy, it’s no surprise that customers would prefer to roll up their sleeves and create their own unique fashions for a lower cost. Plus, DIY is fun!
However, it raises the question: how can fashion labels remain relevant in a world of DIY?
One company has found a way. By building their label around DIY culture.
Wool And The Gang claims to be “the first DIY fashion brand” (though we immediately thought of Alabama Chanin and its DIY fashion kits) as well as a self-proclaimed global school of wool. On the surface, WATG is a knitwear label, boasting a collection of clothing and accessories in unique patterns and high quality yarns. Each piece is hand made by skilled artisans in Peru, ensuring quality and sustainability.
But the real heart of the company comes from the community atmosphere that surrounds it. Every piece in the collection is available for DIYers to knit themselves. Instead of a ready-made piece, knitters can purchase kits including a pattern, quality yarn such as baby alpaca or pima cotton, and even needles if necessary. Their gorgeous array of yarn is also for sale if you want to use some for a different project.
Additionally, their website hosts a library of video tutorials to teach aspiring knitters all the basics. They are active on many social media platforms, particularly tumblr which is run by ten “ambassadors” from all over the world.
The blog includes studio happenings, mood boards and trend reports, as well as free patterns to download.
By engaging their customers, Wool And The Gang are redefining what it means to run a fashion label.
What do you think of Wool and the Gang’s approach to developing a label as well as a fashion community?