We hear a lot about the loneliness of being a fashion business owner but it isn’t until we are actually in it, working on launching and growing something, that we really start to get it. The process of running a business, especially when you don’t have a team, can feel very isolating.
When you’re doing it alone….
You question every decision.
You wonder if situations are normal or if you’re the only one dealing with them.
You miss out on having someone cheer you on when you’re ready to give up.
You are, quite simply put, lonely.
Think about it this way: when you have a “9 to 5” you have colleagues to go to when you want to get help with a project, receive feedback on works in progress, celebrate completed projects, or decompress with chit-chat about last night’s episode of the pop-culture obsession of the moment.
You have people. They’re your people.
The people you go to in professional (and sometimes personal tied to professional) situations when you need to vent, celebrate, talk through, or figure out.
These people become the support you need when you’re not sure how to make progress.
No matter what stage of your fashion business you’re in, you need these people.
I think sometimes we feel like we should be able to do everything by ourselves. As if asking for help or needing others is a weakness. It’s not.
Human beings have always thrived in communities. Remember “it takes a village?” That is a truism.
Don’t allow yourself to fall into the mindset that community support is not necessary or not a priority as a business owner.
Do whatever you can to find your people. And then don’t be afraid to ask for their support, and to give yours freely to them in return.
Pay attention to the impact that has on your fashion business.
I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
Lots of love and encouragement,
P.S. This note is inspired by my people– the designers in the StartUp FASHION Community who are there for one another through all the ups and downs of business ownership. Membership is open if you’re looking for your people, join us!