One of my favorite pastimes is spending time on design blogs, online textile archives, and fashion websites. I love to be introduced to innovative design work and exciting new trends. Lately, one trend that has been popping up all over the place is tie dye. And, to be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about it. I mean, I’m all for the 60’s; the music, the peace loving attitude, the fashion….well, at least for the most part in terms of fashion. The old throw back of wild, multi-color tie dye is not exactly my favorite trend but the new, subtle, almost muted version is kinda cool. It’s popping up everywhere from fashion to beauty products to home interiors.
Trends, by definition, don’t last very long, and in this case, maybe that’s alright. But, in the mean time, I’m curious. Are any of the fashion or interior designers out there utilizing this cult favorite? How are you implementing it into your work? In tids and bits or head to toe technique?
Tristan King
Hello Nicole,
🙂 in response to your article I find that tye dye allows for a carefree look. Some outfits today are always perfect. Applying tye dye to a piece allows it to have that care free its okay that the colors smudge look to it.
Nicole Giordano
Thanks for your comment Tristan! 🙂