Another exciting visit to Las Vegas for WWD Magic introduced me to more great sourcing outlets. With a special section dedicated to “Sourcing in the Americas”, I was thrilled to discover some fantastic new resources for designers looking to gather their raw materials domestically. One such resource is American Denimatrix.
Established in 1953 in Lubbock, Texas, this company handles the process from concept to creation:
Cotton: They grow their own!
Denim: Their mill is in Littlefield, Texas and was established in 1975
Design: They have Research and Development Centers in California, Italy, Texas, and Guatemala.
Pattern Making: They have a technical staff at your disposal.
Garment Manufacturing: Constantly monitored, they boast consistent quality and timely deliveries. (Not easy to come by!) They handle cutting, sewing, and making.
Washing: This is handled in Guatemala and can be done to your specifications and inspirations!
Trimming: They partner with other industry leaders to help with accessories, finishes, trims, etc.
Not bad, right?
I had the pleasure of chatting with Ryan Lupton, from product development, while I was at Magic and I have to say it was such a pleasure. Mr. Lupton was genuinely proud of the company he works for, as he very well should be.
The booth at Magic was a beautiful layout, with an all- American vibe that obviously had a lot of time, thought, and creativity behind it. This is a company that is proud of the products it produces.
A moment of triumph: American Denimatrix was the Winner of the 2010 Award of Corporate Excellence. Pretty impressive, in my view.
Take a look at images from Sourcing at Magic here.
If you’re interested in learning more, you can contact Ryan Lupton, 213.622.8011 or ryan.lupton@pcca.com
Happy sourcing!