Do you ever feel like you’re running on automatic in your fashion business? As if your days are filled with the tasks that don’t create any real change or progress towards your goals?
It’s not surprising, as business owners it’s something you are more than likely going to experience because there’s work that needs to get done and sometimes that work is mundane, it’s stuff you will do on automatic.
I think days like this are inevitable sometimes. But not all the time.
It’s up to us to shake ourselves out of the auto-go and bring thoughtfulness and deliberate action into our days.
Rather than allowing yourself to fall into a routine that doesn’t excite you, try asking yourself some days: What can I do today to really make progress? What can I do today to try something new? What can I do today to make sure that I’m thoughtful about the work I’m doing and the steps I’m taking?
You might be asking why this matters.
If the work needs to get done, what does it matter if it’s running on automatic?
I hear ya.
Maybe it sounds a little trivial. Or even a little indulgent. “Oh, how lovely it would be if my days were full of creativity and new ideas all the time.”
Maybe your situation is that you just need to do it already, and be done with it, because life is full of responsibility.
Maybe you feel that deliberate action is a luxury.
While I do understand, I don’t agree.
A thoughtful approach to your day-to-day work is what keeps you motivated to keep going.
This approach allows you to take notice and be proud of what has already been accomplished.
It reminds you of why you’re doing this in the first place.
It lets you be creative and enjoy the process of business ownership.
It also helps you to do work that has an impact.
When you fall into automatic, it’s no longer fun. And when you stop having fun, you question why you’re even doing this.
Listen, I’m not saying that every single day needs to be a day full of exciting and creative ideas, new approaches, and deep contemplation. That is not at all realistic. But if you can make it a goal to spend half your week this way you are going to inspire and call to action the people your brand touches, as well as yourself.
Get out of automatic and inspire yourself with thoughtful action.
Lots of love and encouragement,