WWD MAGIC. If you’re in the fashion industry in any capacity, you know about this event. Held bi-annually in Las Vegas, the show is a must-go for anyone pursuing a career in Fashion.
So imagine how excited I am to have been invited to participate in this show in a big way.
I can’t give too many details just yet but be patient my faithful readers; lots of exciting things to come. So follow the StartUp FASHION feed and you’ll be in the loop to discover all the excitement!
Camille Gabrile
If I would have known earlier, I would have submitted an application. I will exhibit as an emerging designer in the upcoming August show!!!
Hi Camille,
I agree that I hadn’t heard any buzz about looking for designers for the February Launch Pad, I imagine that Magic reached out to specific designers they wanted to feature (although that’s just my speculation).
Glad to hear you’re interested in applying for August; good luck to you!
Can’t wait to read your coverage! Have fun!