While scouring YouTube for some interesting textile-related videos, I found one imparticular that talks about smart textiles of the future. Presently, fabrics that light up, have memory, and/or react to the body’s temperature are impression and intersting. But this video explores even further into the potential of textile innovation.
Now it wasn’t until the end of the video that I realized its intent to promote a DVD about “new technology and cutting edge processes that are being combined with traditional textiles to create a new generation of smarter and more technical products than ever before.” But, ya know what? Who cares. The video is still inspiring and maybe even enough so to make you want to buy the DVD.
Anyway, with creative thinking like solar powered curtains that gently wake you up, clothes that can sense when they’re dirty and wash themselves, and bodysuits that simulate the sense and smell of being inside the video game you’re playing, I can only imagine where this industry is headed. Exciting, right? What do you think?
Sorry, the video was removed from YouTube