Something we often forget as business owners is that the way we talk to ourselves really matters when it comes to our ability to run a thriving business.
Does any of this sound familiar?
I don’t have enough time in the day.
I’m busy.
There’s so much on my plate.
I can’t do all of this.
I’m not good at prioritizing.
I’m a perfectionist.
I don’t know what I’m doing.
I think too often this kind of thing is dismissed. It’s thought of as woo-woo. As if a strong mindset is a luxury for those with time to spare rather than an essential part of launching, running, and growing a business.
But it’s not.
The way we speak to ourselves is incredibly important and ties tightly to our ability to make progress towards our goals and milestones.
So when we sit and tell ourselves how busy we are but at the same time feel like we’re making no real progress, it’s because we’re not getting our minds set and focusing on the things that matter. We’re believing that we simply cannot get all of this done.
We’re getting caught up in the “every little thing” mode, telling ourselves that we can’t keep up.
Of course you can’t keep up- you’re focused too much on the stuff that doesn’t lead to progress. And the reason you’re sitting down to your computer and focusing on that is because you’re telling yourself that you have so much to do, that you’re behind and need to work on catching up.
When what you should really be saying to yourself is: I am going to sit down and complete X.
When you say this to yourself, you’re able to focus, you have a deadline, and you have a concrete end result.
You’re producing.
And when thoughts of “so much to do” come creeping back in, do everything in your power to get rid of them.
Talk to yourself, out loud!
Say “I’ve got this.”
Say “I will work on this for 30 minutes, because that’s the amount of time I have today.”
Say “I don’t need this to be perfect.”
Say “I am going to figure this out.”
When you do this, you are in a much better headspace with your business.
You’re being kind to yourself. You’re being realistic about what’s possible. You’re getting focused and staying on course.
Will everyday be like this? Of course not. We can’t always be positive. That’s toxic.
But we can practice changing the script more often than not.
We can pay attention to the things we’re saying to ourselves and use those words to pull us up and help us keep going.
What are you saying to yourself? How are you programming your mind to be supportive and helpful rather than challenging and negative?
Lots of love and encouragement,