Can you produce a garment with zero fabric wasted? Of course you can. All it takes is a little adjusted thinking when it comes to patternmaking. Your patterns become as thought provoking and design oriented as the clothes themselves.
Why should you care? Because the textile industry has one of the most significant impacts on this planet and it makes sense to think about and implement ways of lessening your individual impact as a designer.
As a way of showing all of you fresh faces (and even you seasoned industry pros) a new way of looking at fashion, Parsons Design School along with eco-friendly clothing label Loomstate, have teamed up to put on an exhibit called Zero-Waste Denim. “Through muslin prototypes, garment patterns, video and photography, the exhibition will provide visitors with a behind-the-scenes look at this cutting-edge approach to sustainable design, which is the focus of a new course of study at Parsons. Through the school’s collaboration with Loomstate, they will produce one of the student-designed looks as part of their Fall 2011 collection.”
The exhibit at Parsons is only on view until the 23rd at the Sheila C. Johnson Design center on Fifth Avenue. It’s open daily from noon- 6pm. So, go check it out. Are you up for the challenge?