While browsing The New York Times’ T Magazine, I came across an article that I found especially delicious, as it combines two of my loves: food and fashion.
On November 16th, Barney’s Department Store will reveal it’s holiday window and quite a treat it will be for those who love an innovative approach to textiles, fashion, food, and sustainability. By recycling the foil packaging from Illy coffee pouches, they have fashioned a creative and oh-so-playful evening gown for all to enjoy. It seems to me that the influential department store has used it’s highly visible display window in Manhattan to embrace and promote not only fashion’s newest, and in my opinion, ironic link with the food industry, but also its support of the importance of upcycling and sustainability. Both of which are concepts that have been popping up in fashion media with a new found intensity.
So here’s a little sneak peek. While I’m not blown away, I like it. It’s different and forward thinking. What do you think?
P.S. From Nov. 17 through Dec. 31, Illy will be making complimentary espresso and cappuccino on Barneys’s ninth floor. I’ll see you there.