When it comes to our businesses, I think we spend a lot of time thinking about all the things that we still have to get done on a daily basis. All the things on our task lists, in our project management platforms, and scribbled on pieces of paper in our notebooks.
There’s an almost constant feeling of needing to do something. And if on some rare occasion that feeling goes away for a short time, we immediately question it.
Why don’t I have a million things to do? Am I not working hard enough?
And I understand why this happens– business ownership keeps us moving. There’s never really an end to the work because with every accomplished goal comes a new set of fresh goals.
But honestly, this is no way to go through life.
If we spend all of our time focusing on the amount of work that we still have to do, we spend no time focusing on the joy of it all.
Yes, launching and running a fashion business is tough. But it can also bring us a lot of joy, if we let it.
We’re working for ourselves, chasing our dreams, and making things happen.
And we need to remember that.
We need to revel in that regularly.
We need to stop and smile and acknowledge that this is a journey, as cliche as that sounds, it really is true.
And when we are able to make that shift, the entire experience of business ownership becomes something new.
It becomes exciting and full of possibility rather than hectic and scary and overwhelming.
It becomes a fun challenge to take on rather than an impossible mountain to climb.
It becomes a joy.
So, just a little something to keep in mind as you wrap up your week and look to planning another week as a small business owner.
Lots of love and encouragement,