Listen, none of us is perfect, neither are our businesses. But though we’re not perfect, we can be excellent. I like to think of our team at StartUp FASHION as striving for excellence; it reminds us that what we do here has an impact on others (you!) and we wouldn’t want to be anything other than excellent for you guys.
The thing to remember about excellence is that it’s a habit. Like any other habit, it takes a little time to stick but once you get into that habit, you never forget how to do it.
Therefore, if you take a look at the smaller things that help to build an excellent business, you can make them habits. Once they’re habits within your daily life and work, you will see how they lead to the level of business that you want to be running.
Things like:
- regular exercise
- not checking your email 50 times a day
- spending 20 minutes connecting with your customer on social media
- taking breaks to recharge
- sending emails to your network to see how they’re doing
These things all lead to an excellent business; making them habits is an important first step.