I’m in the mood to talk about wins this week. Maybe that’s because many of us are in the midst of celebrating that really big win I mentioned in last week’s email!
It could also be because I was chatting with a StartUp FASHION member and she was feeling bummed about a recent unsuccessful wholesale order in her fashion business. Understandable. And I had to remind her of the recent multiple sales she had with other boutiques. Big wins, for sure.
Whatever the reason, let’s talk about the importance of celebrating wins.
I know, you’ve heard this a million times. But stick with me because it’s important.
First, I’d like to preface this by saying that it’s ok to feel bummed out when things don’t go as planned. Feeling disappointed is not a bad thing. In fact, that feeling is very motivating to some people. Regardless, you’re allowed to feel disappointed. But the trick is not to stay there.
Reminding yourself about the things that are working well is so powerful.
I know we hear this a lot as fashion business entrepreneurs– celebrate those wins! — but it bears repeating.
Because these wins are the fuel that keeps us going.
These wins are game-changing.
And it is really easy to forget about them.
It is really easy to accomplish something (big or small) and then immediately move onto the next thing, forgetting to cheer yourself on. Forgetting to congratulate ourselves on a job well done.
I don’t suggest doing this because it’s a “nice” practice. Or because it can turn your frown upside down.
I suggest this because celebrating what you’ve already managed to accomplish in your business is something that has a real impact on your ability to continue to grow that business.
Because celebrating wins is so tied to mindset, it is something that really should not be ignored.
Honestly, the practice is smart business.
Meaning smart business people make it a habit.
Think about the biology of it.
What happens to our brains when we acknowledge a job well done is impactful? The endorphins that attach to our central nervous systems and the dopamine that is released from them are incredibly impactful. They make us feel elated. And that positivity stays with us, helping us to build up a strong mindset muscle.
And a strong mindset muscle is one of the keys to a successful business.
Pulling yourself up when things go bad, not giving up, staying the course . . . these things all happen when you can clearly see that, even during the down times, there is still possibility and hope. There is still opportunity. And failure doesn’t occur until you have decided the ride is over.
So, while you may be sick of hearing it, I’m using this musing as a reminder to celebrate those wins. Because your business depends on it.
Lots of love and encouragement,